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According to the financial statements of the National Aluminum and Profile Company NAPCO for the year 2024, Net Loss after tax of the period reached (2,322,565) JD Compared with Net Loss after tax (1,682,209) JD for 2023, a net increase in loss of 38.07%.Total assets of the company reached 43,644,409 JD compared with total assets of 48,146,151 JD at the end of year 2023, a net decrease of 9.35%.Total liabilities of the company reached 29,505,937 JD compared with total liabilities of 34,321,293 JD at the end of year 2023, a net decrease of 14.03%. Net ownership equity of the company reached 14,138,472 JD compared with total owner equity of 13,824,858 JD at the end of year 2023, a net increase of 2.27%.