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According to the financial statements of Palestine Industrial Investment Company PIIC for the year 2024, Net profit after tax of the period reached 6,241,822 JD Compared with Net profit after tax 5,443,594 JD for 2023, a net increase in profit of 14.66%.Total assets of the company reached 112,309,316 JD compared with total assets of 108,128,411 JD at the end of year 2023, a net increase of 3.87%.Total liabilities of the company reached 37,647,470 JD compared with total liabilities of 37,937,788 JD at the end of year 2023, a net decrease of 0.76%. Net ownership equity of the company reached 74,661,846 JD (Including Non-Controlling Interests of 14,867,941 JD) compared with total owner equity of 70,190,623 JD (Including Non-Controlling Interests of 14,378,482 JD) at the end of year 2023, a net increase of 6.37%.