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PSE announced yesterday receiving the semiannual financial results for the year 2008 that are; GMC AIB LADAEN AIG AZIZA and PIIC. The regulations grant the listed companies a period of a month and a half to disclose the financial results for the second quarter of the year. It had been disclosed through semiannual financial reports in addition to the standard electronic disclosing form that is applicable from the PSE. Golden Wheat Mills (GMC): The financial results for the first half of 2008 indicate a pretax income of JD1,158,987 comparing with JD2,107 in second quarter of 2007. As for total assets it reached JD19,036,844 after it had amounted JD19,640,358 in 31/12/2007. Arab Islamic Bank (AIB): AIB disclosed their semiannual results despite the PMA hadn’t verified them yet. The financial results for the first half of 2008 indicate a net income of $3,129,980 versus $2,116,055 in the semiannual of 2007. As for total assets it reached $333,737,577 after it had amounted $301,647,607 in 31/12/2007. Palestine Industrial Investment (PIIC): The financial results for the first half of 2008 indicate a net income of JD448,622 comparing with JD468,755 in second quarter of 2007. As for total assets it reached JD 34,408,548 after it had amounted JD31,054,782 in 31/12/2007. Palestine Plastic industrial (LADAEN): The financial results for the first half of 2008 indicate a loss of JD184,169 comparing with a loss of JD193,188 in second quarter of 2007. As for total assets it reached JD 6,013,598 after it had amounted JD6,345,897 in 31/12/2007. Ahliea Insurance Group (AIG): The financial results for the first half of 2008 indicate a net income of $1,001,096 versus $1,118,057 in the semiannual of 2007. As for total assets it reached $50,058,664 after it had amounted $43,644,141 in 31/12/2007. Palestine Poultry (AZIZA): The financial results for the first half of 2008 indicate a net income of JD 587,700 comparing JD 134,310 in second quarter of 2007. As for total assets it reached JD 18,891,111 after it had amounted JD16,124,847 in 31/12/2007.