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Palestine Stock Exchange PEX has announced its 9M financial data for the year 2019 after the end of the granted legal period to the listed companies for this disclosures which ended on 31/10/2019. Whereby, 94% of the listed companies disclosed their data within the legal period (45 companies out of 48 listed companies). Based on the disclosed data, the total profits after tax minus losses of the listed companies that disclosed their data for 9M 2019 reached $231,602,698; down by 2.89% than the corresponding period of 2018 which reached $238,485,184. Where the companies that achieved profits contributed by 84.44% (38 companies with total value of $235,488,113 in 9M 2019, compared to $242,718,239 in 9M 2018; down by 2.98%). On the other hand, 7 listed companies realized net loss of $3,885,415 in 9M 2019 compared to $4,233,055 in 9M 2018; a decrease in net loss by 8.21%. While 3 companies couldn’t disclose their data within the granted period: Arab Real Estate Establishment ARE, Globalcom Telecommunication GCOM, Ahliea Insurance Group AIG.