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The monetary fund assured that the growth in west bank and gaza depends heavily on trading with Israil and free movement for individiuals and merchandise inside palestinian teritories. In addition to this, reinvestment in private sector requires huge re-establishments, and consequently it is essential to lighten the imposed israil"s measures on movement and crossing.The fund will present a report to the donors conference in paris next week, this report points out that its necessary to raise the offered donnation from the donnors countries, whether to finance the budget dificity (in an average of $1.3 billion annually during 2008-2010) or to general investment (in an average of $550 million annually).Thereby the international monetary fund is practically adopting the reformation plan that is planned to be presented by Dr.Salam Fayyad in the same conference, where the fund demands to support the Palestinians by 5.5 billion financing to the period between (2008-2010). Also, the fund praised on the reformation plan and intensified that the donors can resume their direct financial support to the mutual account follower to ministry of finance.According to reformation plan, the fund referred that in case of providing the required conditions; the real gross domestic product will rise from approximately zero in 2007 to % 5.3 in 2008, % 5 in 2009 and % 6 in 2010.