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Substantial disclosures amid lack of general factors



Sahem Weekly Trading Report [19-23/04/ [2015


Amid a medium liquidity circulation that stems from the routine investment positions changing during holding the general assembly meetings period, Al-Quds Index cohesively performed this week as the previous weeks; trading in a relatively narrow price range to maintain levels higher than an essential support level to the observers. Within the price trends variation of the leading stocks despite their weakness, companies with the heaviest weight in the Index outweigh the determination of Al-Quds Index trend every week.  This week, the leading stocks closed in the green zone with varying gains compared to losses for the lower weighted stocks, whereby accordingly Al-Quds Index closed at the level of 484.21 points; slightly up by 0.51%. On another hand, the first quarter disclosures blend with the dividends distribution decisions for the previous year; adding to the investors’ anticipation another degree of caution and accuracy parallel to the lack of general political factors.

Within the general assembly GA meetings’ decisions for this week, the GA of Palestine Islamic Bank ISBK approved distributing 8.5% cash dividends for the year 2014 , to record dividends yield of 6.80%. Moreover, the GA of Trust International Insurance Company TRUST approved distributing 10% cash dividends for the year 2014, to record dividends yield of 3.72%. Regarding the subsidiaries of Padico Holding, the GA of Palestine Industrial Investment Company PIIC- the investment arm of Padico Holding in the industry sector- approved distributing 10% cash dividends for the year 2014, to record dividends yield of 5.13%. Furthermore, the GA of Palestine Poultry Company AZIZA approved distributing 12% cash dividends for the year 2014, to record dividends yield of 4.29%. While, the GA of the Vegetable Oil Industries Company VOIC approved distributing 50% cash dividends for the year 2015, to record dividends yield of 5.92%.

Regarding the Q1 2015 financial data disclosures, the disclosures pace has increased during this week, while, the last week of April will witness a disclosure momentum. Within the disclosures, Palestine Electric Company PEC noted posting net income of $1.83 million in Q1 2015; down by 42.27% than the same period of 2014. This followed a significant decrease of 31.40% in the capacity charges revenues from the use of the power plant. Moreover, Palestine Investment Bank PIBC announced recording net income of $0.17 million in Q1 2015; down by 79.80% than Q1 2014 due to a decrease in the net income and commissions and an increase in the general and administrative expenses. In the insurance sector, Al-Takaful Insurance Company TIC noted posting 80.10% increase in its net income in Q1 2015, to record $0.88 million, compared to $0.49 million in Q1 2014. This increase came due to an increase in Al-Takaful operating profits by 88%. On the other hand, the National Insurance Company NIC disclosed posting a decrease of 47.90% in its Q1 2015 net income, to hit $0.66 million compared to $1.26 million in the corresponding period of 2014. This decrease followed an increase in the incurred claims of the company.




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