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According to
The Vegetable Oil Industries Company’s data for the first nine months of the year, net profit after taxes reached 3,944,094
JOD, compared with a net profit after taxes of 3,726,770
JOD from the first nine months of
2013, a net
increase of 5.8%. Total assets of the company reached 20,525,658
JOD as of September 30th,
2014, compared to total assets of 18,521,017
JOD as of December 31st,
2013, a net
increase of 10.8%. Total liabilities of the company reached 1,198,294
JOD as of September 30th,
2014, compared to total liabilities of 1,127,594
JOD as of December 31st,
2013, a net
increase of 6.3%. Net ownership equity of the company reached 19,327,364
JOD as of September 30th,
2014, compared with a net ownership equity of 17,393,423
JOD as of December 31st,
2013, a net
increase of 11.1% in the first nine months.