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According to Arab Palestinian Investment company data for the first three months of the year, net profit after taxes reached 3,368,977
USD, compared with a net profit after taxes of 2,950,099
USD from the first three months of
2013, a net
increase of 14.2%. Total assets of the company reached 236,502,134
USD as of March 31st,
2014, compared to total assets of 237,212,264
USD as of December 31st,
2013, a net
decrease of 0.3%. Total liabilities of the company reached 140,118,766
USD as of March 31st,
2014, compared to total liabilities of 143,939,432
USD as of December 31st,
2013, a net
decrease of 2.7%. Net ownership equity of the company reached 96,383,368
USD (including 24,085,450
USD in Non-controlling interest) as of March 31st,
2014, compared with a net ownership equity of 93,272,832
USD (including 23,302,019
USD in Non-controlling interest) as of December 31st,
2013, a net
increase of 3.3% in the first three months.