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According to company data for the first six months of the year, net loss reached (639,114)
JOD, compared with a net loss of (366,631)
JOD from the first six months of
2012, a net
increase of 74.3%. Total assets of the company reached 31,759,547
JOD as of June 30th,
2013, compared to total assets of 32,194,064
JOD as of December 31st,
2012, a net
decrease of 1.3%. Total liabilities of the company reached 13,002,201
JOD as of June 30th,
2013, compared to total liabilities of 12,797,694
JOD as of December 31st,
2012, a net
increase of 1.6%. Net ownership equity of the company reached 18,757,256
JOD as of June 30th,
2013, compared with a net ownership equity of 19,396,370
JOD as of December 31st,
2012, a net
decrease of 3.3% in the last six months. Furthermore, paid-in capital decreased from 25,000,000
JOD on December 31st,
2012 to 19,677,158
JOD by June 30th,
2013, an
decrease of