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According to company data for the first six months of the year, net profit after taxes reached 18,712,082
USD, compared with a net profit after taxes of 18,290,422
USD from the first six months of
2012, a net
increase of
2.3%. Total assets of the company reached 2,181,799,362
USD as of June 30th,
2013, compared to total assets of 2,004,494,095
USD as of December 31st,
2012, a net
increase of
8.8%. Total liabilities of the company reached 1,952,840,812
USD as of June 30th,
2013, compared to total liabilities of 1,783,520,186
USD as of December 31st,
2012, a net
increase of
9.5%. Net ownership equity of the company reached 228,958,550
USD (including 564,706
USD in Non-controlling interest) as of June 30th,
2013, compared with a net ownership equity of 220,973,909
USD (including 583,859
USD in Non-controlling interest) as of December 31st,
2012, a net
increase of
3.6% in the last six months. Furthermore, paid-in capital increased from 134,000,000
USD on December 31st,
2012 to 150,000,000
USD by June 30th,
2013, an
increase of