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A number of listed companies in the PEX announced that they distributed its profits to shareholders. A statement from the PEX reported that Palestine Electric Company PEC, Vegetable Oil Industries VOIC, and Al Takaful Palestinian Insurance TIC, had distributed their cash dividends to shareholders. The statement added that PEC announced to start distributing its cash dividends for the year 2010 as of 27/06/2011 by 10% from the share’s par value; $0.10 per share according to the GA’s meeting that was held on 27/04/2011. PEC’s cash dividends will be through all branches of Arab Bank in Palestine. VOIC also announced that it will start distributing its 15% cash dividends (JD0.15 per share) that was approved in the GA that was held on 26/04/2011. VOIC’s dividends distribution will be through the company’s offices in Nablus according to its disclosure. TIC announced to start distributing its cash dividends of 5% ($0.05 per share), through the company’s headquarter in Al Biereh/Ramallah.