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PSE announced selecting Dr.Rami Hamdallah as the chairman for its board starting from last Thursday. It is worth to mention that Dr.Hamdallah had filled this position from December 2003 to January 2006. Dr.hamdallah had a long and distinguished academic and administrative history, and he is characterized with his committed professional institutional thoughts, and he is also known with his sustained activity in the service of the Palestinian community in many aspects. He is currently filling the position of Alnajah University chief in Nablus, and he had been granted his P.H.D in applied linguistics from England, and had filled the position in the University since 1998 till now. Dr.Hamdallah has an active presence in the academic local, Arab and international level; he is an active member of the Council of Heads of Palestinian universities and the Palestinian Council for Higher Education, and he is a member of the Executive Council of the Federation of Arab Universities.