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Al-Quds Index below the 490 points level amid lack of liquidity


 Sahem weekly trading report (22-26)-09-2024

In this week, Al-Quds Index continued its declining, to decrease below the 490 points level after trading in a relatively wide range. While the normal liquidity levels are still weak coinciding with the increase in the investors’ conservatism prior to the start of the financial data disclosures for the first nine months of the year 2024, which will start by the end of September. While Palestine Stock Exchange PEX lacked the institutional transactions that may raise the trading value from time to time. In terms of investors' expectations, varied degrees of optimism and pessimism about the financial and operational results of listed companies for the period appear.

Regarding the economic indicators and according to the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics PCBS, the primary results of the International Investment Position IIP (external assets – foreign liabilities) for Palestine at the end of the Second quarter 2024 revealed that the net IIP amounted to $5,268 million. Where the total stocks of External Assets for Palestinian economy amounted to $11,312 million, the Foreign Direct Investment Abroad contributed to 3%, and Portfolio Investments abroad reached 15%, while Other Foreign Investments Abroad (mainly currency and deposits) reached 71% and Reserve Assets amounted to 11%. On the other hand, the total stocks of Foreign Liabilities in Palestine (stocks of non-residents invested in Palestine) amounted to $6,044 million, the Foreign Direct Investment in Palestine contributed to 54%, Portfolio Investments in Palestine reached 10%, and Other Investments in Palestine (mainly loans and deposits from abroad) amounted to 36%. The Government's External Debt stock stabilized at about $1.3 billion at the end of the second quarter of 2024.

Regarding the economic indicators and according to the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics PCBS as well, exports decreased in July, 2024 by 3% compared to July, 2023 and reached $137 million. Also, imports decreased in July, 2024 by 11% compared to July, 2023 and reached $621.2 million. While the trade balance which represents the difference between exports and imports showed a decrease in trade deficit by 13% in July, 2024 compared to July, 2023 and reached $484.2 million.


Al-Quds Index below the 490 points level amid lack of liquidity

Al-Quds Index continues to decline with the approaching end of September

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Scarce liquidity in mid-September

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Al-Quds Index in the red zone with the start of September

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