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Listing "Nablus Surgical Centre" shares to trading in PSE starts today; to raise the number of the listed companies in the stock market to 37 companies, and the number of the services sector"s companies to 8 companies. The company is a hospital that had been established in 1996, it had been converted later into a corporation. The company faced great difficulties passing through hard periods due to the siege and closure in addition to the insecurity that the Palestinian territories had suffered in the previous years and still suffering in varying degrees. The hospital had incurred divergent losses during "Al- Initfada" but it managed to earn in the years 2006 and 2007 and succeeded to pay a portion of its previous losses. The accumulated loss for the hospital reached JD 311,000, a portion had been covered from the last two years profits; also last year"s net income reached JD 98.6 thousand. Dr.Mohamad Al-Masri the general manager of the company expressed his hope of economic and political situations non-impact of the share"s trading. And said "listing the share in the PSE will not add a positive thing to the company, and all what is going to change is several shareholders turnover", indicating that this will not be reflected on the capital or profit, "the problem of the siege and barriers and what had resulted of decline and loss is still the same". According to the law, the share"s price will be floated in the first trading session and the last transaction will be adopted to mark the closing price in order to work at the %5 limits in the coming trading sessions. The company"s authorized and paid-up capital is JD 3.177 million, as for the shareholders number it reached 308 shareholders, and the par value is JD 1.00 .