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Sahem Weekly Trading Report (18-22)-06-2023
In the penultimate week of June, the general trend of the moving stocks in Al-Quds Index varied this week. Some had an effect in the relative balancing around the prevailing prices, while others haven’t been helped by the levering liquidity yet. However, the standstill and anticipation status- far from the institutional transactions- is still dominating Palestine Stock Exchange PEX amid a horizontal movement that is sloping down this week following the lack in general incentives. While this week witnessed executing several transactions on the leading stocks, leading the trading value to increase. Where, a transaction of 1.80 million shares was executed on the leading stock of the Arab Palestinian Investment Company APIC, and a transaction of 0.60 million shares was executed on the largest investment company in the PEX by market capitalization – Palestine Development & Investment Company PADICO- . Regarding the expectations, the listed companies’ semi-annual financial data disclosure is what mostly anticipated by the investors with their different categories. The long-term investor may have stronger vision on his annual return in effect, while the speculator may ride any price wave that results on the financial announcement. In both cases, the PEX lacks qualitative liquidity factors that are able to shift the general and comprehensive activity.
Regarding the significant news, the share of Amlak Real Estate Investment & Trading AMLAK was listed in Palestine Stock Exchange PEX on Wednesday’s session 21/06/2023 under the symbol AMLAK using the currency of US Dollars. According to the first trading session mechanism, AMLAK’s price floated in the pre-opening period until 10:15 am. Opening price recorded $5.00. Afterward it was halted from trading for 15 minutes to calculate the price fluctuations rates. During the session, 250 shares were traded with a value of $1,250 whereby, closed at $5.00; without any change than the opening price.
Regarding the significant news as well, the listed companies continued to raise their recommendations regarding distributing dividends for their shareholders for the year 2022. In this context, the board of directors of the Arab Investors Company ARAB raised a recommendation to the general assembly, which will be holding a meeting on 05/07/2023, to distribute 5.79% stocks dividends for the year 2022, to raise the paid-up capital from JD9.45 million to JD10.00 million. In addition, the board of directors of Jerusalem Cigarette Company JCC raised a recommendation to the general assembly, which will be holding a meeting on 05/07/2023, to distribute 12% cash dividends for the year 2022.