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Scarce transactions and an absence in the institutional transactions


 Sahem Weekly Trading Report (04-08)-10-2020

Trading in Palestine Stock Exchange PEX, in this week, was weak with a value that did not exceed $2.00 million. This coincided with the absence of general incentives in the PEX in this period and the slow price movements pace of the blue-chips’ stocks, following the domination of anticipation ,in the financial disclosures’ month for the first nine months of 2020, on the investment appetite and investors’ behavior, where stalling in the place outweighed pursuing any price trend. Whereby the PEX witnessed stalemate in transactions in terms of liquidity and price movements, while, institutional transaction, which raise the trading value in the PEX from time to time, was absent in the market. On another hand. Al-Quds Index realized loss of 0.33% than its previous weekly closing level, to settle at 434.72 points.

On another hand, a report by Palestine Monetary Authority PMA expected a continued slowdown in the consumer price index in Palestine. Whereby, the PMA expects that the inflation rate in Palestine will not exceed 0.5% at the end of the year after recording the lowest level of inflation since last year in the first quarter of 2020. This followed a recession in the inflation rates worldwide amid almost complete paralysis in the economics in the last part of Q1 2020, after the economic system found itself facing a global health crisis – COVID-19 – and not being able to stop its spread except with a major economic closure. The effects of this closure had impacted heavily the commodity prices, especially petroleum which was affected by the demand stop on it, following the suspension of air traffic and restricting the other forms of transportation. But what elevated its fallout was the average food prices growth driven by the increase in household demand for storage in anticipation of future emergencies as the health pandemic expands dramatically across the World.

Regarding the economic indicators and according to the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics PCBS, the overall Industrial Production Index IPI in Palestine reached 157.10 during August 2020 with an increase of 10.17% compared to July 2020 (Base Year 2018). IPI for August 2020 increased due to the increase in the activities of mining and quarrying by 18.58% which constitute 2.68% of the total industry, the activities of electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply by 10.75% which constitute 11.95% of the total industry, and the activities of manufacturing industry by 10.13% which constitute 82.98% of the total industry, while the activities of water supply, sewerage, waste management and remediation decreased by 0.87% which constitute 2.39% of the total industry.


Al-Quds Index in the green zone amid lack of general incentives

The PEX records average PE of 26.2x and average P/BV of 1.06x in H1 2024



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