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PALTEL’s Disclosure of Financial Statements for the 3rd Quarter of 2007


PALTEL’s Disclosure of Financial Statements for the 3rd Quarter of 2007

Palestine Securities exchange market received audited financial statements from the internal auditor in PALTEL as in 30/9/2007 ,This disclosure system grantees a 1 month period to release the third quarter disclosure statements of this year.Also data on the company for the third quarter of this year points that the net profit reached to46,346,030 JD in comparison with 41,061,657 JD in the third quarter in year 2006, and the total assets of the company has increased to 406,894,347 JD where it was 358,043,160 JD on the third quarter of the year 2006.It notes that the total liabilities have also increased to 149,706,247 JD compared to 135,965,749 JD in the same period of 2006, and net shareholders rights increased to 222,077,411 JD to 257,188,100 JD at the end of the third quarter of this year comparing with the same period in 2006 .


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