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The Palestine Exchange (PEX) announced the new composition of the Al-QUDS INDEX for the year 2015 to take effect as of the 4th of January, 2015. The index includes 15 listed companies that represent 82% of the total Market Cap as of the 15th of December 2014. The 2015 Al-Quds Index was modified by replacing Palestine Industrial Investment Company PIIC with the Arab Palestinian Investment APIC in the investment sector. Whereby, the 2015 Al-Quds Index includes the following listed companies:
In the Banking and Financial Services Sector: The Arab Islamic Bank AIB, Bank of Palestine BOP, Palestine Islamic Bank ISBK, The National Bank TNB and Al-Quds Bank QUDS.
In the Industry Sector: Birzeit Pharmaceuticals BPC, Jerusalem Cigarettes JCC and Jerusalem Pharmaceuticals JPH.
In the Insurance Sector: The National Insurance NIC.
In the Investment Sector: Palestine Development & Investment PADICO, Arab Palestinian Investment APIC and Palestine Real Estate Investment PRICO.
In the Services Sector: Palestine Telecommunications PALTEL, Palestine Electric PEC and Wataniya Palestine Mobile Telecommunications WATANIYA.