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According to
Arab Real Estate Establishment company data for the first three months of the year, net loss reached (65,523)
JOD, compared with a net profit before taxes of 4,055
JOD from the first three months of
2013. Total assets of the company reached 2,652,534
JOD as of March 31st,
2014, compared to total assets of 2,855,249
JOD as of December 31st,
2013, a net
decrease of 7.1%. Total liabilities of the company reached 2,014,390
JOD as of March 31st,
2014, compared to total liabilities of 2,144,824
JOD as of December 31st,
2013, a net
decrease of 6.1%. Net ownership equity of the company reached 638,144
JOD as of March 31st,
2014, compared with a net ownership equity of 710,425
JOD as of December 31st,
2013, a net
decrease of 10.2% in the first three months.