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According to company data for the first three months of the year, net profit before tax reached 552,475
JOD, compared with a net profit before tax of 61,464
JOD from the first three months of
2012, a net
increase of 798.9%. Total assets of the company reached 42,554,374
JOD as of March 31st,
2013, compared to total assets of 43,263,910
JOD as of December 31st,
2012, a net
decrease of 1.6%. Total liabilities of the company reached 20,103,361
JOD as of March 31st,
2013, compared to total liabilities of 22,051,719
JOD as of December 31st,
2012, a net
decrease of 8.8%. Net ownership equity of the company reached 22,451,013
JOD as of March 31st,
2013, compared with a net ownership equity of 21,212,191
JOD as of December 31st,
2012, a net
increase of 5.8% in the first three months.