Dar Al-Shifa'a for the Manufacturing of Pharmaceuticals (PHARMACARE)
Discloser Reports
Dar Al-Shifa"a for the Manufacturing of Pharmaceuticals (PHARMACARE) was incorporated in 1986. Its activities include manufacturing, selling, distribution, export and import of medicines, cosmetics, chemicals and veterinary products. The company had been engaged—during 1999 and 2000- in equity finance through cooperation with Michael Wirts and his family– owners of Grunenthal GMBH; a reputable German Company involved in pharmaceutical manufacturing– to finalize its new factory. The cooperation with GMBH strengthened the technology support, training and knowledge transfer and granted the right for Dar Al-Shifa"a in manufacturing and distributing some of Grunenthal products which will ensure continuous growth in Dar Al-Shifa"a sales and enhance its ability to overcome the competition challenges. At the end of 2011, Wirts family reduced their stake in Dar Al-Shifa"a. Therefore, the company"s management decided to include Bank of Palestine and Reach for Investment & Development as shareholders. The German partner holds now a stake of 23.92% of Dar Al-Shifa"a s shares.